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What is Dogs, Responsibly?

This is a little bit of a passion project. I've worked twelve years in the pet industry in a variety of roles and before that worked as an animal trainer and educator of the public about marine mammals. Lately, I've realised that I have a lot of thoughts in my head about dogs and stuff to do with dogs. I also have a decent amount of knowledge and a passion to educate people.

Photo: A young Sarah around age five is holding her black and tan puppy, Nala (a Rottweiler x Labrador from the RSPCA) around eight weeks of age.

My number one priority is to showcase breeds and a guide to selecting one. Not just another breed selector where you put in some traits you'd like, grooming requirements and exercise levels, but true stories about individuals in the breed. Not just purebreds either, but some of the more popular mixes. *Caveat* I am unapologetically a lover of pure bred dogs, specifically, responsibly bred ones. As an adult, I have only owned pure bred dogs, whilst growing up we had all types. This doesn't mean I hate mixes, I do however hate the marketing of certain mixes and the lies that this often involves.

I also aim to talk about rescues, and how to navigate that world a little. Rescues are wonderful resources to give many dogs a second chance, but just as in the world of breeders, not all rescues are wonderful and it is well worth knowing just what to look for when you've decided to add to your family this way.

Overall, I just want to do something to help people select the right dog for their life, and help them to know how to do that. I hope you enjoy the read, share your own opinions and experiences, and overall just enjoy dogs....responsibly.


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