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Breaking down breeder websites

Updated: Nov 3, 2022

With so much of our lives now online, many breeders now use their own websites and social media to garner a following and find potential homes for their puppies.

This is great! It allows breeders from all over to connect with people they may never have met before and even breeders can use it to connect and expand gene pools.

But there are also those people who see the opportunity to use flashy websites, good quality photos and sweet words to lure people into a false sense of security that they are doing the "right" thing.

This, I hope, can be the first in a series of breeder website breakdowns (good and bad!) to highlight what to look out for. I'll pose questions and make statements that get you thinking and hopefully be better armed when you search for a breeder and a new puppy.

All identifying information has been omitted. I am not interested in naming anybody, I just want to educate people so they can make the best decision possible. If you want this sort of dog, that's completely fine - but the points I raise are still valid.

So that's it.

The first breeder website breakdown. Another point to mention on the guarantee, they in no way say that they will take back any puppy that they breed. All three dogs that I've bought as an adult have come with a contract that says that if I cannot keep my dog for whatever reason, they are to be returned to the breeder. This very well may be mentioned in the actual contract that new owners sign, however I would expect to see this on the website so I could feel confident with choosing my new breeder.

I hope this shed some light on how to evaluate breeders websites and what questions you should ask.


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